Of Superpower or Mortal.

The headline should've be "With great power, comes great responsibility."
But I just wanna mix things up so.

This week has been real hectic. Got UMNO Club Meetings, and two junior classes to be tutored. And yes, Im the tutor.

And honestly, I managed to juggle it all together thanks to nothing. 

And recently, my batchmates wanted to organize some Family Day with games and picnic in the open field beside El-Baron the cakehouse. And boy how surprised am I when Risha told me I should've been chosen to be the director.

Thank God that never happened! My plate is full! 

and also the position for the Discipline Officer? Thank, but no,  thanks.

The thing that I learn in this week is, if you're not capable enough or aint got no time to do it, then dont take it. Or else,  people're gonna view you different. I mean, in a slightly bad perspective. I feel sorry for that kinda person.

They say experience is the best teacher, hell right they are! 

0 carutan:

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